Sentiments. Prayers. Assurances. Revelations. Keys. Scripture.
...Just my "20 sticks rubbing together"...
to get the flame going. whether it's to warm you, comfort you
or illuminate your heart—my hope is to encourage you,
inspire you and give you a fresh perspective.
need a SPARK? so do i.
“My appreciation for Kathy Troccoli goes back to the mid 1980’s and her first album ‘Stubborn Love’. Denalyn and I wore it out, playing it over and over. We knew then, and still believe, there is something really special about her. The passing years have only confirmed our belief. We have ministered together in a variety of settings. Kathy is kind, accessible and extraordinarily gifted. If you know her, you know what I mean. If you don’t, you are in for a treat.”
-MAX LUCADO, pastor and bestselling author of Unshakable Hope
Order 10 copies for a savings of $30. For orders larger than 10 and increased savings please contact Lynette (615-815-9520).